Four Ways to Make Healthy Desserts

Four Ways to Make Healthy Desserts
A certified sweet tooth will certainly not give up on one thing--eating desserts. Whether you're a self-confessed sweet-tooth, or just someone who decided to find healthy choices when it comes to eating desserts, here are four ways on how you can make your sweet escapades guilt-free.

Four Ways to Make Healthy Desserts

  1. Experiment with fruits - fruits have a natural sweetener within them, called fructose. Fructose is healthier than most artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. Instead of just preparing sliced fruit, experiment with the different fruits you can find and prepare them as a salad. You don't have to add cream because this can add to the fat content of your desserts. Fruits are sweet as they are, but if you would like to add a little bit more, either add a table spoon of honey or maple syrup.
  2. Ice pops - ice pops are very ideal for the hot summer days. For a healthier option than just using the fruit juices available in the groceries, try squeezing fruit juice and adding a little bit of cane sugar. For example, squeeze 1 cup of orange juice on a tall container, add a little bit of sugar to sweeten, and adjust a Popsicle stick and let it freeze overnight. This is generally healthier than buying ice pops in the local supermarket that contain tons of chemicals and food additives.
  3. Whole Grain Cookies - instead of indulging on the fat-filled chocolate chip cookies that you see in the market, why not try a better alternative instead? Try oatmeal cookies with different flavors. Who knows? Low fat milk and whole grain cookies--it may be your best alternative to the guilt-inducing chocolate chip cookies and milk.
  4. Frozen Yogurt - instead of buying the flavored yogurt, you can opt to buy the plain white yogurt and pick the fruits that you would like to place on the yogurt instead. Choose your fruits from the market (strawberry, blueberry, banana) and then slice them into small cubes. Mix them gently over the plain yogurt, chill or freeze for a couple of hours and and there you go! A healthier alternative to flavored yogurt, with probably more additives than you need.

Four Ways to Make Healthy Desserts

Four Ways to Make Healthy Desserts

These desserts are relatively easy to make, and with a little effort and good choices, you can make your sweet treats delicious and healthy at the same time. Give it a try and hopefully, the desserts you make will eventually help you in your quest for an overall healthy diet.

Healthy Desserts : Easy and Healthy Dessert Recipes For Kids

Do you ever remember sitting at the dinner table finishing every morsel of food on your plate and awaiting the best part of the meal? For many, if not all children the best part of a meal is always dessert. Nothing can be more rewarding than getting a slice of your favorite cake or a dish of ice cream. The only problem is that as more and more parents become concerned with the health of their children dessert can be more of an issue. Serving your child with something that is sugary or filled with unnecessary calories can be something that you would want to skip. Here are some easy and healthy dessert recipes for kids:

Healthy Desserts : Easy and Healthy Dessert Recipes For Kids

Healthy Desserts : Easy Graham Cracker Cake 

Healthy Desserts : Easy and Healthy Dessert Recipes For Kids

  • 1 box graham crackers 
  • Fresh mango slices 
  • 1 can cream 
  • 1 can condensed milk


  1. Mix the cream and condensed milk in a bowl and refrigerate for at least one hour. 
  2. Line a pan or plastic container with your graham crackers, making sure that everything is even. 
  3. Spread some of the cream mixture on top of your graham crackers. 
  4. Put some of the mango slices on top of the cream. 
  5. Repeat the steps as desired or until you have two or three layers.
  6. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve

Healthy Desserts : Jello Bowls 

Healthy Desserts : Easy and Healthy Dessert Recipes For Kids

  • 1 regular package instant unflavored Jello 
  • Fruit juice 
  • Fresh fruit pieces 
  • Whipped cream (optional)


  1. Cook Jello according to package directions, substituting fruit juice for water. 
  2. Add chopped fruit pieces to Jello when it is done cooking.
  3. Pour into individual bowls and chill. 
  4. When ready to serve put Jello bowls into individual platters and top with whipped cream.

Healthy Desserts : Baked Apples 

Healthy Desserts : Easy and Healthy Dessert Recipes For Kids

  • 3 Medium sized apples cored and cut in half 
  • 6 tablespoons brown sugar 
  • 6 tablespoons butter 
  • 1 cup granola 
  • Light cream


  1. Mix the butter and brown sugar together in a bowl. 
  2. Put sliced apples into a baking pan and spread the butter and sugar mixture on top 
  3. Bake at 350° for about 30 minutes or until apples are done. 
  4. Cool the apples and top with cream and granola

Having a healthy meal does not necessarily have to mean depriving your child of some good old dessert. Every kid deserves a good memory of what it is like to sit and wait in anticipation of what dessert will be. So go ahead and serve your child some of these easy and healthy dessert recipes and watch them enjoy it.

Healthy Dessert : 5 Ways To Bake Healthy

Healthy Dessert : 5 Ways To Bake Healthy
I've come here today to share some of my best kept baking secrets, so you can start enjoying your favorite treats more regularly, without the guilt! You see, when we bake with high quality, nourishing ingredients that give to our bodies, instead of depleting ingredients that take away from our bodies, desserts can end up being rather beneficial to our health and a great part of our daily diet.

I'm going to be honest. I am a big-time regular-dessert-eating advocate! In fact, I indulge in a little bit of sweetness every day! This practice does, however, come with some strings attached, so listen up before this notion backfires on you!

Healthy Dessert : 5 Ways To Bake Healthy
  • Factor treat into daily calorie budget: Treat it as any snack or meal so that you're not adding excess calories into your diet.
  • Enjoy in small doses: Think you're hungry for more? Wait at least 20 minutes before reaching for a second serving. Try not to exceed two servings a day.

Healthy Dessert : 5 Ways To Bake Healthy

Remember that the bottom line is this: If you want it, have it, but be mindful of what you've already eaten, are going to eat and how you will feel as a result of eating the treat!

Now that you have an idea on how you can enjoy treats guilt-free, here are:

Healthy Dessert : 5 Ways To Bake Healthy

  1. Replace refined white flour with one of the following: Oat flour, whole wheat flour, almond flour, hazelnut flour or coconut flour. I prefer to use oat, almond and coconut most of the time because they're gluten-free (less inclined to upset the tummy = flat belly friendly) and the flavors are pretty universal, in that you are free to create all sorts of different variety/flavor combos! They're also high in fiber which helps to keep you full and satisfied for a long period of time.
  2. Replace refined white sugar with one of the following: Coconut sugar, raw sugar, agave nectar, maple syrup, honey or fruit puree. I love using coconut sugar because it has a low glycemic index and doesn't cause a spike in blood sugar, which basically means that you're not going to be ravenous shortly after eating. Fruit puree is also awesome because it's filled with fiber and can add moisture to batter or dough, resulting in super soft cookies! Try pumpkin or banana puree. Those are my favorite!
  3. Replace shortening and oil with the following: A combination of small of coconut oil plus fruit puree! I usually only use one teaspoon or tablespoon of coconut oil with 1/2 cup of pureed pumpkin (low in sugar) or banana. Pumpkin has a more universal flavor, whereas the flavor of banana comes through a lot in the cookie.
  4. Add nourishing seeds, nuts and nibs for texture: Chia seeds, flaxseeds, raw cacao nibs, poppy seeds, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews and pecans are all delicious if you want to add another dimension to your cookies! Just 1-2 tablespoons of the seeds or 1/3 cup of the nuts or nibs should do the trick! I love using seeds the most because they're tiny and add just the right amount of crunch! These nuts, seeds and nibs are jammed with healthy fats (chia, flaxseed and walnut have Omega-3's) vitamins and minerals.
  5. Use high quality dark chocolate chips and raw cacao: Dark chocolate and raw cacao are high in antioxidants and contain resveratrol, which is an antimicrobial that is believed to lower blood-sugar, enhance physical performance and potentially prolong life. Often times I'll mix raw cacao nibs with chocolate chips to add a crunchy texture to the cookies.

The beauty of these bake-healthy tips is that because you're replacing empty and depleting sugars and flours with nourishing ingredients, you will find yourself satisfied after just one serving, which is the way it should be! They really do fill you up and keep you full for a long period of time.

Healthy Desserts : Making Perfect Brownies

Healthy Desserts : Making Perfect Brownies
Sweets always have an inspirational power and these are always symbolizing the happiness and in many cultures sweets are associated with different festivals. Our happiness starts with a byte of sweet and to some people it is a belief that any task started with the sweets, ends with positive outcomes. Sweets are always renowned to be an integral part of the ceremonies and functions especially marriage and birthday celebrations are nothing without cakes.

Healthy Desserts : Making Perfect Brownies

Healthy Desserts : Making Perfect Brownies
Generally, bakers and sweet stores are the common sources in order to obtain or buy such sweets, but it is always very exciting to bake and prepare sweets such as delicious brownies at home. Here, is a simplified and a brief tutorial or a recipe for preparing delicious brownies at home.

Healthy Desserts : Delicious Brownies Recipe:

The Delicious Brownies can easily be prepared in your kitchen via following the instructions and steps that are listed below.

  1. Take 185 grams of unsalted butter and cut it into smallish cubes and tip these cubes in a medium bowl. Take an equal amount of best dark chocolate and break it into small pieces. Add it to the butter bowl.
  2. Take a small saucepan, quarter full with hot water and sit the bowl on the op to make it rested on the rim of the saucepan.
  3. Put it onto the heat and keep it on until chocolate and butter are melted. Stirring occasionally, will make chocolate mixed with the butter. Now, remove the bowl from the saucepan and cover the bowl loosely with the cling film.
  4. Put the bowl into the microwave for two minutes under high heat. Take it out and leave the melted mixture to room temperature.
  5. Wait for the chocolate to cool, and position a shelf in the central of your oven. Turn the fan on and set the fan to 160°C. Take your time and wait for 10 to 15 minutes when the pan is heated up, and using a shallow 20cm square tin to cut the square of the baking parchment to line base.
  6. Tip 85 grams of plain floor and 40 grams of cocoa powder into the screen held over the bowl.
  7. Chop 50 grams of milk chocolate and the same amount of white chocolate with a sharp knife into chunks on a board. Slabs of the chocolates will be stiff to do this, so you are required to be careful.
  8. Break 3 large eggs and tip 275 grams of caster sugar into a large pan or bowl. Whisk the eggs and sugar with electric mixture and form a thick and creamy mixture in 3 to 8 minutes.
  9. Pour cooled chocolate into the egg gel and gently fold it together. Dive spatula at one side and drive it up the opposite side via taking it underneath at the middle. This is done when both mixtures are one and color is dark brown. Now, discharge the blend into the prepared tin, stair with the spatula. Ease the mixture in the corners of the tin. Put tin into the oven for 25 minutes. After the timer is done take the shelf out and shake the tin gently. Slide it back and put it for another 5 minutes of time until the top has a shiny.
  10. Take the tin out of the oven and put it to be cold, lift the rim slightly with the foil. Cut it into quarters and each quarter into four squares that can subsequently cut down to form triangles. Now, your Delicious Brownies is ready to serve.

The patent pending design of the Perfect Brownie Baking Pan bakes each piece separately so they are flakey and crispy on the outside, but rich and gooey on the inside.

Healthy Desserts : Eat Candy Without the Guilt by Eating Sugar Free

Healthy Desserts : Eat Candy Without the Guilt by Eating Sugar Free
America has a problem with sugar. The sweet, crystalline substance is in most of the foods we eat. As a result, the average American swallows about 22 teaspoons of sugar each and every day! According to the American Heart Association, that kind of consumption can be harmful to our health.

The current guidelines state that women should be getting no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar a day and men should limit themselves to 9 teaspoons. That's only 100 to 150 calories per day in added sugar, compared to the current average of 355 calories. Why do we eat so much?

Healthy Desserts : Eat Candy Without the Guilt by Eating Sugar Free

The jury is still out on whether or not sugar is addictive. But what we can say for certain is that it makes things taste better. Sugar is used as a flavor enhancer in everything from breads to canned foods. Shoppers should examine the labels of their favorite foods to make sure they do not consume more sugar than they need.

Healthy Desserts : Why is it bad for us?

As with all things, sugar is fine in moderation. But too much of it can adversely affect our health. Nutritionists define sugar as an easily digested refined carbohydrate. In other words, it adds calories quickly and requires virtually no effort or energy to break down. Sugar also does not satisfy us on a cellular level. Folks can drink hundreds of calories of sugary sodas without batting an eye and ask for more in an hour. They cannot, however, do the same with denser, tougher foods that take more time to digest, like meats or vegetables.

Sugar is also bad for our teeth. Yes, your dentist was right! The bacteria in dental plaque use the sugars in foods to produce acids that can damage tooth enamel and lead to cavities. Even if you brush after every meal, which almost no one does, you can still get cavities if you eat too much sugar.

Healthy Desserts : What can we do?

Healthy Desserts : Eat Candy Without the Guilt by Eating Sugar Free
As we said, sugar is a popular ingredient in all sorts of foods. Because it is cheap and possibly addictive, food makers use it as a taste enhancer in items that were formerly sugar-free. The only way to keep track of your daily sugar intake is to be vigilant. You must read the labels of everything you eat. There should be a measurement for "sugars" on each label. If the count is too high, seek a substitute.

Healthy Desserts : Substitute sweets?

There are certain foods we expect to be absolutely loaded with sugars-ice cream, candy, cookies, cakes, chocolate, etc. These foods are almost pure sugar, which is acceptable in moderation. We "treat" ourselves to treats on special occasions. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and other celebrations give us the excuse we need to indulge a bit. Unfortunately, Americans are indulging far too frequently these days.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), two-thirds of American adults are either overweight or obese. Could this have anything to do with the 24 pounds of candy they consume each year?

Most candies are pure sugar. In fact, the name comes from a Sanskrit word that means "piece of sugar." Even though it is undoubtedly more popular with kids, adults still eat their fair share of candy. They buy candy bars, chocolates, jelly beans, and peanut butter cups on a regular basis. The only problem is that they can't burn off the sugar like they did when they were young. These extra calories are stored almost immediately as adipose tissue, i.e., fat. That is, unless the candy lover switches to sugar-free sweets.

It sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? Sugar-free sweets? But the truth is that most of these low-calories treats are indistinguishable from the originals. How do they do it? Just like diet sodas, sugar-free candies contain artificial sweetners instead of sugar.

Healthy Desserts : Are they healthy?

As a general rule, no candy is healthy. But the sugar-free variety contains fewer calories and carbohydrates than their predecessors. They also will not cause your blood sugar to spike, which makes them safe for people with diabetes.

Healthy Desserts : What is available?

Not all candies can be faithfully reproduced using artificial sweeteners. Some old standbys require sugar to make them taste authentic. Candy makers have come a long way when it comes to sugar-free chocolates in recent years. They have produced varieties that taste almost exactly like the originals. The online candy vendors we have visited offer sugar-free chocolate covered raisins, peanuts, and bars. They also sell sugar-free gummy bears and gumballs. A top seller with adults, sugar-free malt balls are sold in bulk quantities.

Healthy Desserts : Tasty Dessert Recipes

One can never have too many dessert recipes! Check out this selection of yummy ways to end your meals! From a Simple Vanilla Ice Cream to a Low-Fat Banana Sherbet to Pennsylvania Fruit Salad, you will find some delicious choices here!

Healthy Desserts : Tasty Dessert Recipes


Healthy Desserts : Tasty Dessert Recipes
1 quart whole milk
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
dash of salt, optional
2 large eggs, beaten
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
2 tsp vanilla extract

Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium-high heat but only until tiny bubbles start to appear; do not boil. Stir in the sugar and salt. Lower temperature to low.

Stir a tiny bit of the hot milk mixture into the eggs, mixing well. Stir the egg mixture back into the mixture in saucepan and cook over low heat while stirring for a couple of minutes. Be careful you do not allow mixture to boil. Stir in the cream and allow the mixture to cool down; add the vanilla.

Pour into ice cream freezer and follow manufacturer's directions.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings.

Healthy Desserts : LOW-FAT BANANA SHERBET 

Healthy Desserts : Tasty Dessert Recipes
1 cup water
2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup low-fat evaporated milk
1/3 cup orange juice
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 medium banana, chunked

Bring the water and sugar to a boil in a small saucepan. Cook, stirring, until the sugar is dissolved and set aside to cool.

Put the evaporated milk, orange juice, lemon juice, and the banana in a blender container. Add the cooled sugary syrup. Add the cover and process until smooth.

Place the mixture into the freezer cylinder of an ice cream freezer. Follow the manufacturer's directions to make the sherbet. Transfer to a freezer-proof container and freeze about 4 hours until firm before serving.


Healthy Desserts : Tasty Dessert Recipes
1 can (11-oz) mandarin oranges, drained
1 can (20-oz) pineapple chunks in their own juice, drained with juice reserved
1 can (16-oz) sliced peaches, drained, cut into bite-size pieces
3 firm bananas, sliced and dipped in the pineapple juice
2 unpeeled red apples, cored and diced

Combine all the fruits in a large serving bowl.

1 pkg (3.4-oz) instant vanilla pudding mix
1 cup cold milk
1/3 cup frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed but undiluted
3/4 cup sour cream

In a small mixing bowl, combine all the dressing ingredients; beat with a wire whisk until smooth and thickened. Gently fold into the fruit mixture.

Cover the fruit salad and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

Yield: 8 to 10 servings


Healthy Desserts : Best Fairy Cakes

Healthy Desserts : Best Fairy Cakes
Before I do, perhaps we should take a look at what makes a fairy cake so yummy!

  1. Delicate and Bouncy- A fairy cake should bounce back up when pushed down in the centre. This is a sign that the consistency is good, and the ingredients are therefore holding together well.
  2. Golden Brown- The most obvious sign of a well baked cupcake is that it's golden brown in colour. If the cake is too pale, the centre of the treat may still need heating. On the other hand, if it's too dark your fairy cakes might be too crispy. No-one wants that!
  3. Sweet and Tasty - And finally, the perfect cake has to be sweet and taste incredible. That's a given though, right?

Healthy Desserts : Best Fairy Cakes

So now your mouth must be watering! We know what the perfect fairy cake should be like, but the question remains, how do we make it? If you follow the recipe below, you'll be left with a yummy treat which you can decorate in any way you like.
Healthy Desserts : Best Fairy Cakes

You will need the following ingredients:

225g unsalted butter, plus a little extra for greasing the tray.
225g sugar, caster works best.
4 large eggs.
225g self-rising flour, plus a little extra for your work surface.
1 lemon.
A few drops of vanilla extract.

Healthy Desserts : Step 1

Preheat the oven to 190 C or gas mark 5.

Healthy Desserts : Step 2

Beat the butter and sugar together. Using a wooden spoon will help you with this as the ingredients are less likely to stick. Once the mixture is light and fluffy, beat in the eggs one by one, giving each a good stir before adding the other.

Healthy Desserts : Step 3

Sift in the flour carefully, ensuring there are no bumps in the mixture. This allows the ingredients to mix more efficiently, creating a tastier cake! Once this is done, hand squeeze the lemon juice into your mixing bowl before folding the mixture together. Continue folding for about 5 minutes until creamy and yellow. While folding, feel free to add a few drops of vanilla extract to make your cakes even more yummy!

Healthy Desserts : Step 4

Place between 15-20 paper cases on a baking tray, and use a tablespoon to divide the mixture evenly. Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown.

Healthy Desserts : Step 5

Leave your fairy cakes about 20 minutes so they can cool. Why not put the kettle on and watch an episode of Eastenders? London is bound to be more interesting than watching the oven.


Healthy Desserts : Why Start an Ice Cream Truck Business

Healthy Desserts : Why Start an Ice Cream Truck Business
The ice cream truck business has been an icon of Americana since the early 1920's. By the 1950's, there was an ice cream truck in just about every neighborhood of the country. Today, this frozen dessert business can be a fun and profitable business for the entrepreneur.

In today's uncertain economy, it can be tempting to start your own business that has a low initial investment, no boss holding all the power and you can earn up to $500 in just a few hours. The ice cream truck business is just that sort of venture.

Healthy Desserts : Why Start an Ice Cream Truck Business

Getting Started

Unlike a lot of new ventures, getting started in this exciting business is relatively easy and inexpensive. With a solid business plan, the right permits, and a truck, van or scooter, you can be running your own route in just a few short months.

Get off to the right start!

For an affordable price, a business plan template acts as your blue print as to what the goals of your business are and how you will reach them. An industry specific template is an inexpensive way to make sure that all the necessary research has been done to help you succeed.

 What permits will I need to start my new business?

The permits you need to start your new business venture varies from county to county, but typically you will need to get a business license, a permit from the Department of Motor Vehicles and an inspection done by your local Health department. By contacting each of these government offices, you can quickly learn the costs involved for your particular area.

How much will the truck cost?

The cost of trucks range in size and style. You can purchase a used van fully equipped for less than starting an ice cream shop - under twenty thousand dollars or a scooter type cart for even less. Getting financing for an ice cream truck vehicle is usually not a problem, especially if you have a solid and well thought out strategy to show your investors.

Be Your Own Boss

Healthy Desserts : Why Start an Ice Cream Truck Business
While being your own boss may sound appealing, it does come with its own risks. While you won't have someone watching over you who can fire you on a whim, it is entirely up to you whether your new venture makes a profit or not. It is true that with the right ice cream truck business plan, the right route and the right amount of commitment, you can earn as much as $500 handing out tasty treats to neighborhood kids; but it will be up to you to actually make that happen.

Healthy Desserts : Why Start an Ice Cream Truck Business

The key to succeeding in this business is three-fold:

  1. Create or purchase a well-researched and detailed plan.
  2. Establish and stick to a route that includes areas with lots of families as well as parks and other public areas where kids hang out.
  3. Put in the time and effort to keep your customers coming back for more.

Healthy Desserts : Easy To Make Dessert Recipes For the Busy Cook #2

Healthy Desserts : Easy To Make Dessert Recipes For the Busy Cook
One of the best things a diabetic can do for themselves is to eliminate processed products as much as possible and replace them with whole-grain. Whole grains digest more slowly helping to prevent blood sugar spikes. Another benefit is the fiber makes you feel full quicker and longer. Try using this whole-wheat pastry recipe for your pies. Try it with these recipes for Diabetic-Friendly Apple and Cherry Pies. Yummy!

Healthy Desserts : Easy To Make Dessert Recipes For the Busy Cook

3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup whole-wheat flour
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp unsalted butter
2 tbsp canola oil
4 tbsp cold water, divided

In a medium bowl combine the two flours and salt. Using a pastry blender or two knives, cut in the butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in the canola oil and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of the cold water over the mixture and toss with a fork.

Push the moistened dough to the side of the bowl and repeat the process with the additional water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until all the flour is moistened. Shape the mixture into a ball. Roll out dough as you would with any other pastry recipe.

Healthy Desserts : Easy To Make Dessert Recipes For the Busy Cook

Healthy Desserts : Easy To Make Dessert Recipes For the Busy Cook
double pie crust pastry made without sugar
7 to 8 cups apples, peeled, cored, sliced thin
1 cup Splenda Granulated
3 tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
dash of salt

Healthy Desserts : Easy To Make Dessert Recipes For the Busy Cook

Healthy Desserts : Easy To Make Dessert Recipes For the Busy Cook
Are you a busy cook who still likes to serve delicious and pretty and healthy desserts? Then this article is for you. The Easy Vanilla Mousse Cheesecake goes together quickly but bakes about an hour and does need chilling time. The Summer Dream Strawberry Pie is also quick to make but needs chilling time. Both are so yummy and refreshing!

Healthy Desserts : Easy To Make Dessert Recipes For the Busy Cook


Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

1 1/2 cups crushed vanilla wafer cookies
3 tbsp butter, melted

Combine the cookie crumbs and butter; press onto the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan.

3 pkgs (8-oz each) cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tbsp vanilla extract
3 large eggs

Beat the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla in large mixer bowl until well blended. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing on low speed after each addition just until egg is blended in. Pour the filling over the crust.

Bake cheesecake at 325 degrees for 50 to 55 minutes or until the center is just almost set. Remove from oven and run a thin knife around the rim of the pan to loosen cake. Allow cake to cool completely in pan placed on a wire rack.

1 pkg (8-oz) cream cheese
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 carton (8-oz) frozen whipped topping, thawed
fresh blueberries for garnish
Healthy Desserts : Easy To Make Dessert Recipes For the Busy Cook

Beat the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla together in a large mixer bowl until well blended. Using a whisk, stir in the thawed whipped topping. Spread the topping over the cooled cheesecake.

Garnish with fresh berries (I prefer blueberry; use your favorite).

1 (9-inch) Graham cracker pie shell
1 tbsp room temperature water
1 pkg unsweetened strawberry drink mix (ie Kool-Aid)
1 tbsp strawberry ice cream topping
3 pkgs (3-oz each) cream cheese, softened to room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups whipping cream, whipped
2 tbsp hot fudge, warmed for drizzle
fresh strawberries for garnish, if desired

Combine the water and strawberry drink mix in a small bowl until dissolved completely. Stir in the ice cream topping.

In a large mixing bowl, beat both cream cheese blocks powdered sugar,vanilla, and the strawberry mixture together until fluffy. Gently fold in the whipped cream. Spread the filling into the Graham cracker crust and chill for at least an hour or until set.

To serve, cut pie into 6 to 8 wedges. Place pie wedge on plate and drizzle with the hot fudge and garnish with a strawberry if desired.
