Four Ways to Make Healthy Desserts

Four Ways to Make Healthy Desserts
A certified sweet tooth will certainly not give up on one thing--eating desserts. Whether you're a self-confessed sweet-tooth, or just someone who decided to find healthy choices when it comes to eating desserts, here are four ways on how you can make your sweet escapades guilt-free.

Four Ways to Make Healthy Desserts

  1. Experiment with fruits - fruits have a natural sweetener within them, called fructose. Fructose is healthier than most artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. Instead of just preparing sliced fruit, experiment with the different fruits you can find and prepare them as a salad. You don't have to add cream because this can add to the fat content of your desserts. Fruits are sweet as they are, but if you would like to add a little bit more, either add a table spoon of honey or maple syrup.
  2. Ice pops - ice pops are very ideal for the hot summer days. For a healthier option than just using the fruit juices available in the groceries, try squeezing fruit juice and adding a little bit of cane sugar. For example, squeeze 1 cup of orange juice on a tall container, add a little bit of sugar to sweeten, and adjust a Popsicle stick and let it freeze overnight. This is generally healthier than buying ice pops in the local supermarket that contain tons of chemicals and food additives.
  3. Whole Grain Cookies - instead of indulging on the fat-filled chocolate chip cookies that you see in the market, why not try a better alternative instead? Try oatmeal cookies with different flavors. Who knows? Low fat milk and whole grain cookies--it may be your best alternative to the guilt-inducing chocolate chip cookies and milk.
  4. Frozen Yogurt - instead of buying the flavored yogurt, you can opt to buy the plain white yogurt and pick the fruits that you would like to place on the yogurt instead. Choose your fruits from the market (strawberry, blueberry, banana) and then slice them into small cubes. Mix them gently over the plain yogurt, chill or freeze for a couple of hours and and there you go! A healthier alternative to flavored yogurt, with probably more additives than you need.

Four Ways to Make Healthy Desserts

Four Ways to Make Healthy Desserts

These desserts are relatively easy to make, and with a little effort and good choices, you can make your sweet treats delicious and healthy at the same time. Give it a try and hopefully, the desserts you make will eventually help you in your quest for an overall healthy diet.

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