Healthy Dessert : 5 Ways To Bake Healthy

Healthy Dessert : 5 Ways To Bake Healthy
I've come here today to share some of my best kept baking secrets, so you can start enjoying your favorite treats more regularly, without the guilt! You see, when we bake with high quality, nourishing ingredients that give to our bodies, instead of depleting ingredients that take away from our bodies, desserts can end up being rather beneficial to our health and a great part of our daily diet.

I'm going to be honest. I am a big-time regular-dessert-eating advocate! In fact, I indulge in a little bit of sweetness every day! This practice does, however, come with some strings attached, so listen up before this notion backfires on you!

Healthy Dessert : 5 Ways To Bake Healthy
  • Factor treat into daily calorie budget: Treat it as any snack or meal so that you're not adding excess calories into your diet.
  • Enjoy in small doses: Think you're hungry for more? Wait at least 20 minutes before reaching for a second serving. Try not to exceed two servings a day.

Healthy Dessert : 5 Ways To Bake Healthy

Remember that the bottom line is this: If you want it, have it, but be mindful of what you've already eaten, are going to eat and how you will feel as a result of eating the treat!

Now that you have an idea on how you can enjoy treats guilt-free, here are:

Healthy Dessert : 5 Ways To Bake Healthy

  1. Replace refined white flour with one of the following: Oat flour, whole wheat flour, almond flour, hazelnut flour or coconut flour. I prefer to use oat, almond and coconut most of the time because they're gluten-free (less inclined to upset the tummy = flat belly friendly) and the flavors are pretty universal, in that you are free to create all sorts of different variety/flavor combos! They're also high in fiber which helps to keep you full and satisfied for a long period of time.
  2. Replace refined white sugar with one of the following: Coconut sugar, raw sugar, agave nectar, maple syrup, honey or fruit puree. I love using coconut sugar because it has a low glycemic index and doesn't cause a spike in blood sugar, which basically means that you're not going to be ravenous shortly after eating. Fruit puree is also awesome because it's filled with fiber and can add moisture to batter or dough, resulting in super soft cookies! Try pumpkin or banana puree. Those are my favorite!
  3. Replace shortening and oil with the following: A combination of small of coconut oil plus fruit puree! I usually only use one teaspoon or tablespoon of coconut oil with 1/2 cup of pureed pumpkin (low in sugar) or banana. Pumpkin has a more universal flavor, whereas the flavor of banana comes through a lot in the cookie.
  4. Add nourishing seeds, nuts and nibs for texture: Chia seeds, flaxseeds, raw cacao nibs, poppy seeds, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews and pecans are all delicious if you want to add another dimension to your cookies! Just 1-2 tablespoons of the seeds or 1/3 cup of the nuts or nibs should do the trick! I love using seeds the most because they're tiny and add just the right amount of crunch! These nuts, seeds and nibs are jammed with healthy fats (chia, flaxseed and walnut have Omega-3's) vitamins and minerals.
  5. Use high quality dark chocolate chips and raw cacao: Dark chocolate and raw cacao are high in antioxidants and contain resveratrol, which is an antimicrobial that is believed to lower blood-sugar, enhance physical performance and potentially prolong life. Often times I'll mix raw cacao nibs with chocolate chips to add a crunchy texture to the cookies.

The beauty of these bake-healthy tips is that because you're replacing empty and depleting sugars and flours with nourishing ingredients, you will find yourself satisfied after just one serving, which is the way it should be! They really do fill you up and keep you full for a long period of time.

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